# Basic Usage

After you installed nuxt-neo package and added there are some required options you must set.

# Creating your API

Create a new folder on your project, lets assume ~/api.

  modules: [
    ['nuxt-neo', {
        directory: __dirname + '/api'

// or alternatively:

  modules: [
  nuxtNeo: {
    directory: __dirname + '/api'

Then lets create a new file, for example, ~/api/todos.js and export a new class:

import Todos from '<your_todos_data_provider>'

class TodosController {
    // Required: This will be the action to route mapper.
    static ROUTES = {
        allAction: {
            path: '/', // your route will be /api/todos'/'
            verb: 'GET'
        getAction: {
            path: '/:id', // your route will be /api/todos/:id - route paths are express-like
            verb: 'GET'
        createAction: {
            path: '/', // your route will be /api/todos'/'
            verb: 'POST'

    // Everytime this class instantiates, request object will be injected into the construtor params.
    constructor(request) {
        this.request = request;

    async allAction() {
        const todos = await Todos.fetchAll();

        return {
            total: todos.length,
            items: todos

     // An object is passed to all actions, with the route params, query string and body.
    async getAction({params}) {
        const todo = await Todos.fetchById(params.id);

        return todo;

    // An object is passed to all actions, with the route params, query string and body.
    async createAction({params, query, body}) {

        return await Todos.create(body.title, body.content);

export default TodosController;

Now if you call your server at: GET http://<your_local_host>:<your_local_port>/api/todos, it will return a response with 200 status code and the given structure:

    total: '<number_of_todos>',
    items: [
            title: '<rand_title>',
            content: '<rand_content>'
        // ...

# Accessing your API in your Vue Pages

First you need to create your client-side http request handler:

  modules: [
    ['nuxt-neo', {
        clientSideApiHandler: '~/api_handler' // since its client-side we can use alias resolver '~'

Lets create our handler now (e.g we using axios to take care of this for us):

// file: ~/api_handler
import axios from 'axios';

// path is the relative path of the route
// verb is the method type
// {query, body, params} are the given payload to send
// {prefix} are api options (prefix is the api prefix, e.g: '/api')
export default (path, verb, {query, body}, {prefix}) => {
    return axios({
        baseURL: `http://${process.env.HOST}:${process.env.PORT}${prefix || ''}`,
        timeout: 10000,
        url: path,
        method: verb.toLowerCase(),
        data: body,
        params: query
    }).then(({data}) => data);

NOTE: You must return exactly what the controller action + successHandler return, to keep the data uniform.

Now lets connect our api with our page. Using the power of asyncData and/or fetch special properties for server-side fetching on vue.js pages, we can simply do this:

    <div class="index-page">
        <div class="current-todo" v-if="currentTodo">
            Current todo is: {{currentTodo.title}}

        <div v-for="todo in todos.items">
            <button @click="handleClick(todo.id)">Click for details</button>

    export default {
        asyncData: async ({app}) => ({todos: await app.$api.todos.allAction()}),
        methods: {
            async handleClick(id) {
                this.currentTodo = await this.$api.todos.getAction({params: {id}});
  • $api is injected into all Vue instances (including root), since asyncData doesn't have this property.
  • If asyncData is called on server-side, it will go directly to your controller action code. If its called on client-side it uses your clientSideApiHandler to handle the api request.
  • When calling an action (e.g: todos.allActions), it accepts an object as param:
    // the route params, same as express
    params: {id: 1},

    // the request body (in server side is server directly as JSON,
    // in client side its your api handler that should define which encode type to use)
    body: {foo: true},

    // the url query string (in server side is server directly as JSON,
    // in client side its your api handler that should assemble to url query string (axios does that out-of-the-box)
    query: {bar: true}

# Extending the Typescript API interface

If your project is written in Typescript or uses JSDoc annotations to enable type-checking, you can extend the Api interface to make Typescript aware of the apis that you've created and enable type-safety and improve the UX during development.

For example, for the example apis that we've created before on this page, you would extend the interface this way:

declare module 'nuxt-neo' {
    declare type Todo = any;  // For of the sake of the example the type is not strictly defined

    interface Api {
        todos: {
            allAction(): Promise<{ total: number, items: Todo[] }>;
            getAction(args: { params: { id: number } }): Promise<Todo | null>;
            createAction(args: { body: { title: string, content: string } }): Promise<Todo>;