# Middleware

It's possible to add middleware into 3 parts of your API:

  • Middleware for all your api (this means all routes from /api/**/*)
// file: nuxt.config.js
  modules: [
    ['nuxt-neo', {
      // ...
      middleware: [
        function (req) {
        function (req) {
            if (req.query.fail === 'true') {
                throw new Error("force fail");
      // ...
  • Middleware for a controller (this means that all routes of the controller).
// file: ~/api/todos.js

class TodoController {
    static ROUTES = {

    static MIDDLEWARE = [
        function (req) {
  • Middleware for a specific action in a controller.
//file: ~/api/todos.js

class TodoController {
    static ROUTES = {
        allAction: {
            verb: "GET",
            path: "/",
            middleware: [
                function (req) {
                function (req) {
                    // supports promises
                    return Promise.resolve().then(() => console.log('third'));

NOTE: The middleware is mostly used to block access and enrich request object with data. You only have access to request object and can only break the continuation to the controller action throwing errors (e.g : throw new InternalServer("I dont want to continue"));

# Response Middleware

You will mostly get to the point to make your api payload data more structured and abstracted. (for example: inject payload data into somekind of collection).

To do this, define the response middleware file into module config:

// nuxt.config.js
  modules: [
    ['nuxt-neo', {
      // ...
      successHandler: '~/success_handler'
      // ...

Then create that file:

// ~/success_handler.js

class Collection() {

    constructor(payload, meta) {
        this.payload = payload;
        this.meta    = meta;

    getTotal() {
        return this.meta.total;

    getPayload() {
        return this.payload;

// The result is the response payload, that you define on successHandler option.
// Imagine you have this response json structure:

* {
*   meta: { total: 100, offset: 0, limit: 25 },
*   payload: [ {...}, {...}, {...} }
* }

export default function(result) {
    return new Collection(result.payload, result.meta);

Then on your Vue Page:

    <div class="index-page">
        <div class="current-todo" v-if="currentTodo">
            Current todo is: {{currentTodo.getPayload().title}}

        <div v-for="todo in todos.getPayload()">
            <button @click="handleClick(todo.id)">Click for details</button>

    export default {
        asyncData: async ({app}) => ({todos: await app.$api.todos.allAction()}),
        methods: {
            async handleClick(id) {
                this.currentTodo = await this.$api.todos.getAction({params: {id}});