# Error Handling

Imagine that you have some kind of validation you want to perform before creating a new todo:

    // An object is passed to all actions, with the route params, query string and body.
    async createAction({params, query, body}) {
        if (!body.title || !body.content) {
            throw new BadRequestError('Invalid body payload', [
                !body.title && 'Title is required',
                !body.content && 'Content is required'

        return await Todos.create(body.title, body.content);

Or in case you fetch a todo by id and it doesn't exist:

    // An object is passed to all actions, with the route params, query string and body.
    async getAction({params}) {
        const todo = await Todos.fetchById(params.id);
        if (!todo) {
            throw new NotFoundError(`Todo "${params.id}" doesn't exist.`)

        return todo;
  • By default, nuxt-neo globalizes what we call http errors/exceptions. Those exceptions, are a kind of error that is a request flow error (route not found, bad request payload, reserved/private areas). If an http errors/exceptions is throwed, a special kind of response will be sent (e.g bad request will send a list of errors, not found will represent that a given id todo doesn't exist, ...).

NOTE: You are not required to use this, you can simply throw a normal error (Error native class), its simply a nice-to-have way to organize your error handling. If you don't want this classes you can simply disable it doing:

  modules: [
    ['nuxt-neo', {
       // ...
       httpErrors: false // disable http global error classes
       // ...

# List of HTTP Error Exceptions

  • BadRequestError (status = 400)
new BadRequestError(message = 'Invalid Request', errors = ['Name not found'])
  • UnauthorizedError (status = 401)
new UnauthorizedError(message = 'No Session')
  • ForbiddenError (status = 403)
new ForbiddenError(message = 'No access to this area')
  • NotFoundError (status = 404)
new NotFoundError(message = 'The resource was not found')
  • InternalServerError (status = 500)
new InternalServerError(message = 'An internal error has occurred.')